Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl
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Stars: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam
Director: Terry Hughes, Ian MacNaughton
Writer: Graham Chapman, John Cleese
Language: German
Studio: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Duration: 77
Rated: Freigegeben ab 12 Jahren
DVD Release: December 2007

Sony Pictures Monty Python - Live at The Hollywood Bowl, USK/FSK: 12+ VÃ-Datum: 06.12.07

Graham ChapmanBarber #2 / Colin 'Bomber' Harris / Servant / Inspector /
John CleeseBarber #1 / Boxing commentator / The Pope / Silly Olympiad commentator #1 /
Terry GilliamVarious roles
LeninAlbatross vendor
Eric IdleMichelangelo
Terry JonesBarber / Referee / Anti-rasicism singer / Silly olympiad commentator #2 /
Michael PalinEmcee / Bruce #2 / Applicant / Judge #2 /
Neil InnesBruce #3 / Carl Weetabix / Idiot / Detective-Other
Carol ClevelandVarious roles
Genre: Comedy
Media: DVD
Sound: Mono
IMDb: 0084352