Coming to the rescue
DogstarDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar grey

Stars: Philip Winchester, Brady Corbet, Bill Paxton, Dominic Colenso, Ben Torgeson, Lex Shrapnel, Debora Weston, Soren Fulton, Lou Hirsch, Alex Barringer, Sophia Myles, Ben Kingsley, Vanessa Anne Hudgens, Debra Hayward, Liza Chasin, Martin Walsh
Director: Jonathan Frakes
Writer: Gerry Anderson, Sylvia Anderson, Peter Hewitt, William Osborne, Michael McCullers
Language: German
Studio: Universal
Duration: 95
Rated: Freigegeben ab 6 Jahren
DVD Release: November 2004

When dangerous situations exceed the limitations of ordinary military and international security forces, the world calls upon the high-tech assistance of International Rescue - a mysterious band of fearless adventurers and their fleet of awesome, imaginatively engineered vehicles known as: Thunderbirds! Hidden from the world, Tracy Island, a lush patch of land situated in the remote waters of the South Pacific, is home to brilliant entrepreneur and former astronaut Jeff Tracy (Bill Paxton) and his five sons. It is also the headquarters of Tracy's top-secret organization, International Rescue - and it is under siege. Master criminal The Hood (Ben Kingsley) has breached island security, intent on commandeering International Rescue's fleet of five highly advanced rescue vehicles, each designed to accomplish a specific task. Deploying Jeff and his four eldest sons on a mission, The Hood finds his plans obstructed by Jeff's youngest son Alan (Brady Corbet), who will do anything to save the Tracy family and the Thunderbirds. Thunderbirds is a live-action feature film based on the hit British television series of the 1960s, which followed the perilous exploits of the Tracy family.

Philip WinchesterScott Tracy
Brady CorbetAlan Tracy
Bill PaxtonJeff Tracy
Dominic ColensoVirgil Tracy
Ben TorgesonGordon Tracy
Demetri GoritsasNews Anchor
Lex ShrapnelJohn Tracy
Genie FrancisLisa Lowe
Debora WestonTeacher
Deobia OpareiMullion
Soren FultonFermat
Lou HirschHeadmaster
Alex BarringerExcited Kid
Kyle HerbertKnow It All Kid
Sophia MylesLady Penelope
Ben KingsleyThe Hood
Ben TorgersenGordon Tracy
Vanessa Anne HudgensTintin
Debra HaywardExecutive Producer
Ron CookParker
Johannes ZadroznyPanhead
Liza ChasinExecutive Producer
Nicola WalkerPanhead's Mother
Martin WalshFilm Editor
Deborah Weston
Peter DyneleyJeff Tracy
Anthony EdwardsBrains
Shane RimmerScott Tracy
Harvey VirdiOnaha
Bhasker PatelKyrano
David GrahamBrains
Ray BarrettJohn Tracy
Christine FinnTin-Tin Kyrano
Matt ZimmermanAlan Tracy
Rose KeeganTransom
David HollidayVirgil Tracy
Stewart HowsonEngineer
Sylvia AndersonLady Penelope Creighton-Ward
Mark NelmesIce Cream Man
Julian SpencerHenchman
Andy SmartHenchman & Oil Rig Worker
Ramin DjawadiComposer
Hans ZimmerComposer
Brendan GalvinCinematographer
Vanessa HudgensTintin
Marit AllenCustome Designer
Joceline Andrewshair stylist: additional shooting / makeup artist: additional shooting
John BeardProduction Designer
Tamsin Dorlinghair stylist / makeup artist
Joanna FoleyArt Director
Renata Gilberthair stylist: additional shooting / makeup artist: additional shooting
Peter Kinghair designer / makeup designer
John FrankishArt Director
Stephen MorahanArt Director
Chris Lyonsspecial effects teeth
Laura McIntoshMakeup Artist
Stuart RoseArt Director
Susan Parkinsonhair stylist: second unit / makeup artist: second unit
Sarah Pickeringhair stylist
Janine Schneiderhair stylist / makeup artist
Lucy Willishair stylist: additional shooting / makeup artist: additional shooting
Jules Wilsonhair stylist: additional shooting
Julia WilsonMakeup Artist
Petrona Wintonhair stylist / makeup artist
Jeremy Woodheadhair stylist / makeup artist
David Cainunit manager: second unit
James Grantunit manager
Jeanette Haleypost-production supervisor
Angus More GordonUnit Production Manager
Paul TurcotteProduction Manager
Terry Bamberfirst assistant director: second unit
Tatiana Cuvelierassistant director: Seychelles
William Doddsassistant director: dailies
Fraser Fennell-Ballthird assistant director: second unit
Tommy Gormleyfirst assistant director
Alice Grinometassistant director: Seychelles
Hanna Haffendenadditional assistant director
Jaques Harterassistant director: Seychelles
Jessica Hurles-Lawsthird assistant director: second unit (as Jessica Hurles)
Laurent Lévyassistant director: Seychelles
Shaun O'Dellsecond unit director
Sarah Pursersecond assistant director
Aoife ThunderAssistant Director
Sue Woodcrowd 2nd assistant director / crowd assistant director
Hugo Adamsfoley editor
Sandy Buchananadr mixer
Mark DeSimoneadr mixer
Henry Dobsondubbing supervisor: international versions
Steve Finndaily boom operator
Diana Floresadr mixer
Nick Foleyadr recordist
Glenn Freemantlesound designer / supervising sound editor
Peter Gleavesadr mixer
John HaywardSound Re-Recording Mixer
Lee Herrickdialog & adr editor
Mark HeslopSound Editor
Phil Heywoodfoley artist
Christian Joyceproduction sound mixer: second unit
Mark Kennasound consultant: Dolby (foreign language versions)
Yann Legayfrench dubbing editor
Genre: Science-Fiction
Media: DVD
Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
IMDb: 0057790