The Night Raven (Crow Investigations Book 1)

Author: Painter Sarah
Publisher: Siskin Press Limited
Language: English
Pages: 246
Series: Crow Investigations(#1/8)
Genre: Paranormal fiction
Format: Audible Audiobook

Lydia has always known she has no power, especially next to her infamous and more-than-slightly dodgy family. Which is why she carved her own life as a private investigator far away from London. When a professional snafu forces her home, the head of the family calls in a favour, and Lydia finds herself investigating the disappearance of her cousin, Maddie.
Soon, Lydia is neck-deep in problems: her new flatmate is a homicidal ghost, the intriguing, but forbidden, DCI Fleet is acting in a distinctly unprofessional manner, and tensions between the old magical families are rising. For 75 years, a truce between the four families has held strong, but could the disappearance of Maddie Crow be the thing to break it?