Blackadder: the whole damn dynasty

Author: John Lloyd, Ben Elton, Richard Curtis, Rowan Atkinson
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd
Pages: 0
ISBN: 9780140280357
Genre: Humour, TV
Format: Paperback
Twenty-six years ago, Edmund Blackadder made his first appearance on our screens. Comedy has never been the same since (nor indeed has history). Gathered here - in this twenty-sixth anniversary commemorative edition - are the complete scripts of Blackadder's adventures and, mostly, misadventures. Every word, every lie, every cunning plan and cock-up. From medieval nastiness, through Elizabethan and Regency glory, to the mud and sauteed rats of the First World War, Blackadder and his oafish underling Baldrick can be most definitely blamed for ruining England's reputation as a country with a great history. This historical record has been set down by Mr Richard Curtis, Mr Ben Elton, Mr Rowan Atkinson and Mr John Lloyd.