Dave Barry Is Not Making This Up
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Author: Dave Barry
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Pages: 244
ISBN: 9780345440648
Genre: Entertainment
Format: Audiobook

You can't make this stuff up! Dave Barry would never lie--and here are the real life, laugh-out-loud stories from across America to prove it: a U.S. Supreme Court justice shares his remedy for preventing gas ("I had not realized that this was a matter of concern in the highest levels of government"); a newspaper headline in Ohio announces the combustibility of strawberry Pop-Tarts ("A story that can really help you gain a better understanding of how you can be killed by breakfast snack food"); the frightening fact that snakes have mastered the pipelines leading directly to your toilet--and they're not shy ("Many women might view this as a fair punishment for all the billions of times that guys have left the seat up").

So get up-close with Dave as he swears to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth . . . so God help you!