The Antiphonal Music of Gabrieli
Girolamo Frescobaldi, Giovanni Gabrieli, Richard Burgin, Boston Brass Ensemble, Chicago Brass Ensemble, Cleveland Brass Ensemble, Philadelphia Brass Ensemble, E. Power Biggs
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Label: Sony
Duration: 1:17:32
Genre: Chamber

Venice was a good place to be in the 17th century if you liked to hang out in church--not that you had much choice in those days. Gabrieli's reputation rests on his "polychoral" compositions: works for several choirs, a choir being any size group of voices or instruments. For example, a sacred composition for three choirs might have two brass groups and one chorus, or two choruses and one brass ensemble. The idea was to keep things flexible to allow for changing local conditions. The result, in any case, was a magnificent "question and answer" style of writing, in which great blocks of harmony challenged each other from opposite sides of San Marco Cathedral. If this sort of thing intrigues you, then you owe it to yourself to hear this terrific collection. It's a cosmic experience. --David Hurwitz

Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Septimi Toni No. 2
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Duodecimi Toni
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon A 12
Giovanni Gabrieli: Sonata Octavi Toni
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Per Sonare No. 27
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Quarti Toni
Gabrieli (G): Canzon À 122:36
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Per Sonare No. 28
Giovanni Gabrieli: Sonate Pian'e Forte
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Primi Toni
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Septimi Toni No. 1
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Noni Toni
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Per Sonare No. 2
Giovanni Gabrieli: Primo Tono
Giovanni Gabrieli: Secondo Tono
Giovanni Gabrieli: Terzo E Quarto Tono
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Per Sonare No. 1 La Spiritata
Giovanni Gabrieli: Ottavo Tono
Giovanni Gabrieli: Nono Tono
Giovanni Gabrieli: Decimo Tono
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Per Sonare No. 3 Intonazioni D'organo
Giovanni Gabrieli: Undicesimo Tono
Giovanni Gabrieli: Duodecimo Tono
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Per Sonare No. 4
Giovanni Gabrieli: Fantasia In The Sixth Tone
Giovanni Gabrieli: Tocata In D Minor
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Prima In G Major
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Seconda In C Major
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Terza In A Minor
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Quarta In G Minor
Giovanni Gabrieli: Canzon Quinta In G Minor
Giovanni Gabrieli: Toccata In G Major
Original Release: 1968-01-01
Composer: Girolamo Frescobaldi
Producer: Andrew Kazdin, John McClure
UPC: 74646235324