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Label: PolyGram Records Inc.
Duration: 42:24
Genre: Rock

I was hoping that the CD remaster would finally reveal this album in all its glory...but no. The sound is just as murky and flat as on my old vinyl. Sometime around 1980-81, Rush acquired an Oberheim synth - nothing wrong with that, used to have one myself, only sold it because it was the size of a barge. You have to use them very judiciously, though, because that big fat sound will fill up your entire mix, which is exactly what happened with "Signals". No amount of fiddling with your graphic equaliser will enable you to hear what's going on over the vacuous moo-ing of the synths, at least not for the first 3 tracks, which are some of Rush's greatest ever songs, criminally ruined by a terrible production job. This album is why Alex Lifeson detests keyboards and why Rush had to fire Terry Brown, painful though it was. The best sounding track by far to my ears is the almost keyboard-free "Digital Man". "Losing it" is startlingly different from anything else Rush ever did, and certainly shows their versatility if nothing else. The superb sound of the subsequent album "Grace Under Pressure" shows what might have been...listen and weep.

The Analog Kid4:47
Digital Man6:21
The Weapon6:23
New World Man3:42
Losing It4:52
Original Release: 1982-01-01
Composer: Alex Lifeson, Geddy Lee
Arranged By: Terry Brown, Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart
Producer: Terry Brown, Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, Neil Peart
UPC: 15775161429, 42281000225, 66825108321