Chulas Fronteras And Del Mero Corazon
Chulas Fronteras And Del Mero Corazon
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Director: Blank, Les
Language: English
Duration: 0

Chulas Fronteras

'Chulas Fronteras' is a documentary about the music of the Mexican community on both sides of the Texas-Mexico border, particularly of migrant farmers. It includes material about the roots of the music, but devotes principal attention to the music as a form of social protest against oppression and racism.

Del Mero Corazon

'Del Mero Corazon' is Blank's truest, most expressive film to date... there is history... there are expressions of pride in La Raza, demonstrated by street murals and by "Las Nubes," an uplifting anthem to the Latin heritage, sung by Little Joe & La Familia.

Genre: Spanish Films
Media: DVD