What a Life!
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Stars: Arthur Brander, Ken Buckle, Dorothy Gray, Richard Massingham, Ella Milne
Director: Michael Law
Writer: John Krish, Michael Law, Richard Massingham
Language: English
Studio: BFI
Duration: 11
DVD Release: March 2009

Two men, appalled at the dreadfulness of Austerity Britain, decide to commit suicide.

This comedy short was commissioned by the COI to cheer folk up, but ended up being attacked in Parliament for having the opposite effect. Starring the king of public information film comedy Richard Massingham, this is an amusing litany of all the petty restrictions and disappointments that plagued post-war Britain. The film is blessed by the lugubrious performances of the two leads, and by Edward Williams' score.

Arthur Brander
Ken Buckle
Dorothy Gray
Richard MassinghamMr. A
Ella Milne
Russell WatersMr. B
J.M. Burgoyne-JohnsonCinematographer
Jo JagoCinematographer
John KrishEditor
Edward WilliamsComposer
Mario Montez
Art Gower
Gunner Piotter
Tanny Young
George Kuchar
Genre: Comedy, Documentary, Short
Media: DVD
Sound: Dolby
IMDb: 1710510