
Stars: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Dafoe, James Franco, Cliff Robertson
Director: Sam Raimi
Writer: David Koepp, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Language: English
Studio: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Duration: 121
Rated: PG-13 (Parental Guidance Suggested)
DVD Release: June 2012
Average teenager Peter Parker is transformed into an extraordinary super hero after he is accidentally bitten by a radioactive spider. When his beloved uncle is savagely murdered during a robbery, young Peter vows to use his powers to avenge his death. Deeming himself "Spider-Man ," he sets about ridding the streets of crime, bringing him into conflict with malevolent super-villain "Green Goblin."
Tobey Maguire | |
Kirsten Dunst | |
Willem Dafoe | |
James Franco | |
Cliff Robertson |
Genre: Action & Adventure
Media: Blu-ray
Sound: AC-3