With courage sinew and conflict: that s how the West was won. With three directors five interlocked stories some of movie history s most legendary action scenes and a constellation of acting talent: that s how How the West Was Won was filmed. Henry Fonda Gregory Peck Debbie Reynolds James Stewart and John Wayne are among the big names in this big saga following a family s move West through generations marked by the spectacles of a heart-pounding raging river ride a thunderous buffalo stampede and a bracing runaway train shootout. Via technological advances this panoramic winner of three Academy Awards can now be seen with a resplendent restored clarity eliminating its original three- panel join lines and in roof-raising Dolby 5.1 audio. Westward ho!System Requirements:Running Time: 162 minutesFormat: BLU-RAY DISC Genre: WESTERN/CLASSICS Rating: G UPC: 883929026272 Manufacturer No: 1000039748
George Peppard | |
Debbie Reynolds | |
Jimmy Stewart | |
Carroll Baker | |
Gregory Peck | |
Milton Krasner | Cinematographer |
James Stewart | |
Joseph La Shelle | Cinematographer |
Karl Malden | |
Henry Fonda | |
Lee J. Cobb |