The Net
Escape is impossible when you're caught in the net.
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Stars: Sandra Bullock, Jeremy Northam, Dennis Miller, Diane Baker, Wendy Gazelle, Ken Howard, Ray McKinnon, Daniel Schorr, L. Scott Caldwell, Robert Gossett
Director: Irwin Winkler
Writer: John D. Brancato, Michael Ferris
Language: English
Studio: Columbia/Tristar Studios
Duration: 114
Rated: PG-13

Angela Bennett's a software engineer type who works from home and has few friends outside of cyberspace. Taking her first vacation in years she becomes embroiled in a web (sic) of computer espionage.

Sandra BullockAngela Bennett
Jeremy NorthamJack Devlin
Dennis MillerDr. Alan Champion
Diane BakerMrs. Bennett
Wendy GazelleRuth Marx
Ken HowardMichael Bergstrom
Jack N. GreenCinematographer
Jimmy GiritlianEditor
Ray McKinnonDale Hessman
Richard HalseyEditor
Daniel SchorrWNN anchor
L. Scott CaldwellPublic Defender
Robert GossettBen Phillips
Kristina KrofftNurse #1
Juan GarcíaResort Desk Clerk
Tony PerezMexican Doctor
Margo WinklerMrs. Raines
Gene KirkwoodStan Whiteman
Christopher DargaCop
Charles WinklerCop
Julia PearlsteinNurse #2
Rick SnyderRuss Melbourne
Gerald BernsJeff Gregg
Tannis BenedictElevator Woman
Vaughn ArmstrongTrooper
Wren T. BrownTrooper
Lynn BladesRemote Reporter
Israel JuarbeThief
Julia VeraMexican Nun
Lewis Dix Jr.FedEx Man
Lili FlandersEmbassy Worker
Adam WinklerComputer Nerd
Brian E. FrankishShuttle Driver
Wanda-Lee EvansDesk Sergeant
David WinklerComputer Technician
Kerry KilbrideWNN Reporter
Roland GomezLimo Driver
Melvin ThompsonFire Official
Rich BraccoFireman
Lucy ButlerFemale Officer
John LivingstonComputer Technician
Cam BrainardComputer Technician
Dennis RichmondNewscaster
Elaine Corral KendallNewscaster
Alfredo LopezGuitar Player
Thomas CrawfordWaiter
John CapponICU Doctor
Barbara AbediCCU Nurse
Kevin BrownThe Bunny
Hope M. ParrishSecurity Officer
William HillSecurity Officer
Danny BreenSupervisor
Andrew AmadorDermot Conley
Melissa BomesReservation Clerk
Brandi Payne(unconfirmed)
Willy AllenSound Department
James AshwillSound Department
Bill BurnsSound Department
Harry CheneySound Department
John T. CucciSound Department
Steffan FalesitchSound Department
Julie FeinerSound Department
Christopher FlickSound Department
Jim GilchristSound Department
Gary A. HeckerSound Department
Nicholas JamesSound Department
Rick KlineSound Department
Mark LanzaSound Department
Lorenzo MillanSound Department
Dan O'ConnellSound Department
Kevin O'ConnellSound Department
Michael O'FarrellSound Department
Len SchmitzSound Department
Donald SylvesterSound Department
Steven TicknorSound Department
David WilliamsSound Department
Scott A. JenningsSound Department
William Bradford HillSecurity Officer (as William B. Hill)
Mark IshamComposer
J. Dennis WashingtonProduction Designer
Thomas T. TaylorArt Director
Anne D. McCulleySet Decorator
Linda M. BassCustome Designer
Audrey L. Anzureshair stylist
Whitney JamesMakeup Artist
Pamela S. Westmoremakeup supervisor
Kate Daveysecond assistant director
Frank Ferrosecond assistant director: Washington D.C.
J. Michael Hayniefirst assistant director
Michael Risnerdga trainee
Lisa C. SatrianoAssistant Director
Dragon Dronetprops
Frank Haddadhead greensman
Ann HarrisSet Designer
Margaret Mazzolaleadman
Jim Poynterlead man: San Francisco
Kenneth L. Westcottlead man (as Ken Westcott)
Frank Whitepropmaker
Oscar Delgadilloset dresser
Richard Bryan DouglasCarpenter
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Suspense, Thriller
Media: DVD
Sound: Dolby
IMDb: 0113957