The Geometry of Art and Life
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Author: Matila Ghyka, Matila Costiescu Ghyka
Publisher: Dover Publications Inc.
Pages: 174
ISBN: 9780486235424
Genre: Architecture & Photography, Art
Format: Paperback

I bought this book with a recommendation from someon.

Although on the back of the book it says "requiring only a very limited knowledge of mathematics" I think that you need at least a little more than limited knowledge to get into the depths of this book.

I started reading this title and from the outset it was clear that the author is pretty clever. What also became clear was that the writing style of the author tended to confuse me, rather than aid me in understanding the content.

The algabraic and mathmatical content soon rose above my GCSE Maths level and the equasions seemed to be listed without any real explination.

However, if you know your maths and you like delving deeper into the geometry of art and life then this book seems to have heaps of useful content as well as a deeper understanding of geometry.

My advice to anyone looking to purchase would be to have a browse through the title before comitting to read the entire book.

I will attempt to read it again in the future!!!