Tess of the road

Author: Rachel Hartman
Publisher: Random House
Language: en
ISBN: 9781101931288
Genre: Fantasy fiction, Fiction, Juvenile Fiction, Juvenile works, Love Stories, Romance fiction
Tess Dombegh journeys through the kingdom of Goredd in search of the World Serpents and finds herself along the way"--In the medieval kingdom of Goredd, women are expected to be ladies, men are their protectors, and dragons can be whomever they choose. Tess speaks out of turn, has wild ideas, and can't seem to keep out of trouble. When Tess's family decides the only path for her is a nunnery, she chooses a different path for herself. She cuts her hair, pulls on her boots, and sets out on a journey. The open road is a map to somewhere else-- a life where she might belong.