Dogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar grey

Author: Richard Woodman
Publisher: Sheridan House
Language: en
ISBN: 9781574091014
Genre: Fiction, Historical Fiction, Naval History, Sea Stories

It is the summer of 1804 and Napoleon is massing his vast army for the invasion of England. His powerful Combined Fleet is preparing to meet Admiral Nelson's British Fleet in the Battle of Trafalgar. Captain Nathaniel Drinkwater, newly appointed commander of the frigate Antigone, is preparing for battle off the French coast, as part of Admiral Nelson's highly effective blockade. As the fleets draw together, Drinkwater is unprepared for the irregular role destiny deals him when he becomes a prisoner of the French and takes the brunt of the British bombardment in the orlop of an enemy ship.