Tau Zero
Dogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar greyDogstar grey

Author: Poul Anderson
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 190
Series: SF Masterworks
ISBN: 9780575077324
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Format: Paperback

Thus, as she made her great swing half around the Milky Way and turned for a plunge through its heart, the ship´s periscope revealed a weird demesne. The nearer stars streamed past ever faster, until at last the eye saw them marching across the field of view: because by that time, years went by outside while minutes ticked away within. The sky was no longer black; it was a shimmering purple, which deepened and brightened as interior months went by: because the interaction of force fields and interstellar medium - eventually, interstellar magnetism - was releasing quanta. The farther stars were coalescing into two globes, fiery blue ahead, deep crimson aft. But gradually those globes contracted toward points and dimmed: because well-nigh the whole of their radiation had been shifted out of the visible spectrum, toward gamma rays and radio waves.