One of science fiction's most highly respected writers, C.J. Cherryh impressed critics and fans alike with the Foreigner trilogy--the epic story of a lost human colony struggling to survive on the world of the alien atevi.
Now, in Precursor, both human and atevi return to space to rebuild and rearm the ancient human space station and starship, and make a dsperate bid to defend their planet against alien attack.
"A large new Cherryh novel is always welcome." --"Chicago Sun-Times"
Praise for the Foreigner series:
"Cherryh's gift for conjuring believable alien cultures is in full force here." --"Publishers Weekly"
"A seriously probing, thoughtful, intelligent piece of work." --"Kirkus Reviews"
"Close-grained and carefully constructed...a book that will stick in the mind."
"An incisive study-in-contrast of what it means to be human..."--"Library Journal"