The Sandman Vol. 6: Fables and Reflections

Author: Neil Gaiman
Illustrator: Shawn McManus, Jill Thompson, John Watkiss, Kent Williams, P Craig Russell
Publisher: Vertigo
Pages: 263
Series: Sandman
ISBN: 9781563891052
Genre: Sandman
Format: Paperback

Once again, we have a book of nine unconnected short graphic stories that touch on the Sandman in some way. As usual, both the quality of the writing and the art is superb; the whole team was pretty much above reproach by the time they got this far in the series.

The strongest of the stories, "The Hunt," shows both Gaiman and the illustrative team at the peaks of their powers. Thankfully, the majority of the book is of this quality. When it dips ("Fear of Falling," the closest thing to a throwaway piece that's been seen in Sandman's world to date), it does so only briefly, and we get back to the good stuff. As always, well worth your time.